Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I am so glad Monday is over. Spent the first half of it in the bathroom with some kinda stomach bug. That was fun. Then at work Amber finally snapped, cussed out our owner over the phone and that was that. Bye bye drama and headaches. Thank goodness. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it today feeling so crappy.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better with Sarah and the girls again. I had them tonight; they are very amusing. Emily wasn't even scheduled to work but after Amber left they brought her in to help me close. We weren't busy so it wasn't a big deal anyways.

Colts order Saturday and I am so there!! Woot! It might turn out to be a decent birthday after all. This week needs to hurry up. It's supposed to snow tomorrow night so that's exciting. Usually always get the first snow around my birthday. Hopefully it'll stick and I'll some playtime with the doggies.


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