Sunday, October 21, 2007

Let the blogging begin

It's my first post on blogspot! *bells, whistles, confetti, cheering*

Well tonight I think I'll ramble about my weekend. Thomas was home for fall break. That was fun and weird at the same time. I'm so used to him not being at home that it's odd when someone else is awake at the same time as me. But we always have fun hanging out, which is cool because he's my little brother and I'd be sad if we couldn't still be friends like we are. I had to work most of the nights he was here so Friday we just ended up renting some movies. Well, first he came to see me at work. He bought me some cd's because he had to go to a friends house on the night I took off just so I could hang out with him. I was pissed so he was trying to make it up to me. Anyways, we ended up renting two movies I'd never seen before and turned out to be great. The first was Blood Diamond. I have to seay I was not always a Leo DeCaprio fan but I've really loved the past few movies he's been in, The Departed and this one. It was very action-packed and political but not overly so. He can pull of the bad ass and his accent was really well done. I've never really thought he was attractive but in this one I was like "yeah Leo, you work that." Haha that sounded so good in my head and not so good after I typed it out.
The other film we rented was Transformers. I didn't see it when it came out and now I really wish that I had. Seeing it in a theater would have been great with the surround sound and the giant screen. It was a really great sci fi flick with a lot of comic relief. I just ate it up; totally me - being a sci fi chick's kinda film. The effects in this movie were also spectacular. I've really become a visual junkie lately, living for those crazy expensive shots that you know took so much time and effort and are totally worth it. Like the opening battle sequence in Revenge of the Sith. Atlantis has also been great in that respect this season, especially for a tv show. Sometimes I forget that it's tv and think I'm watching a movie. I've heard that with SG1 gone now that they've given it a bigger budget and it's definitely getting put to good use.
I totally cheated this week and watched the new episode on youtube instead of going to Amanda's like I normally do. Thomas was here and I didn't feel like going all the way out there just to watch a show and then come right back. I try not to do that cause I feel bad but I don't get Sci Fi and I'm not paying two bucks to download it on iTunes. That's just craziness, they should have the new shows up on their website like some other networks do.
Saturday I worked the day shift because that was the night I was gonna go out with Thomas. So instead I came home and showered, then me and mom went to check out the new Kohls in Brownsburg. It was very nice, much better than the one over here in Speedway. It was great Mom had her section and I had mine. I ended up getting a sweater, a totally cute dress and some much needed black shoes. My feet do not enjoy heels but these were totally cute wedges which are so great because I get the height without feeling like I'm wearing heels. Then we went to Olive Garden, waited like 4o minutes for a table and were about to leave when our buzzer went off. But it wasn't too bad when we got in there we got our food fast and it was great. I had chicken florintine with some tomato and basil - soooooo tasty. I still had garlic on my breath today. How sexy is that?
Today was pretty boring, slept through church and choir (oops) and went Red Lobster for Thomas' birthday. Then we got him a cake which he decided not to try and take back to Ohio. So now it's sitting in the kitchen calling my name and I'm going to have to have another piece when I'm done with this. Man, two Sundays in a row with no Colts game. Lucky for me I can watch other teams and still love the game. But Colts are playing tomorrow so I'll finally get my game. I'll have to be at work for the beginning but luckily the Monday night games start so late that I can catch most of it at home.
Well I think that's sufficient rambling for my first time. Got a piece of chocolate cake with my name on it.


1 comment:

Jennifer Oberth said...

Hi, I found your site from 'A Dog's Breakfast' and now I want chocolate cake! Thanks a lot!!

Congrats on the new blog and keep watching those 'Atlantis' episodes! Can you get Sci-Fi or is it not available?

Oh, an I did see 'Transformers' in the theater and I enjoyed it so much I nearly went again!

I really wish they showed "old" movies in theaters again. Like reruns. At least the visually spectacular ones, you know? I certainly have missed a lot of them, by being too young or too procrastinating and so on.