So it's been a busy couple of days. I'll try to keep this short.
Yesterday was going fine, work was work, nothing out of the ordinary. Well sometime before 8pm an elderly gentleman in a wheel chair comes into work and so I have LeeAnn go out and take his order. She comes back after a while and says that he doesn't know what he wants and for that matter doesn't seem to know what's really going on. So I leave him alone for a while hoping he'll leave, then I come back up front to see if he's there and he's passed out in his chair. I wished that he was just sleeping and would wake back up on his own but about 10 more minutes go by and we try to wake him up. Can't get him to respond to us so I end up calling 911 and then the paramedics show up. He wakes up right as they are getting there so that was a relief. They look him over and end up telling me that he's fine. Oh did I mention when he woke up he started taking out bottle after bottle of perscriptions and rambling about getting some weed when he got home. Yeah, he was clearly not in his right mind. Anyways the cops show up as well and after about 10 minutes everyone's packed up and left. Yeah that's right, one of the cops made sure to tell me on the way home that I should try and get him a ride home since he lives a few miles away and it's too far for him to wheel there. Duh, like I'm gonna just send him on his way. That's the part that really pissed me off. The police and paramedics just totally dumped off this guy on me. For all I know he could have been crazy and gone all nuts on me (oh did I mention it was me and 3 other girls all younger than I am.) He could have had a weapon, there were a million things that were not right about that situation. I freaking pay taxes and the one time I actually need some help I get crap. They just took off like nothing was wrong and left me to deal with it all. Finally I get a number from the guy and about 40 minutes later his ride shows up. I got out of there a little after 10, the latest I've ever had to be there the whole 2+ years I've worked there. It was stupid, thinking about it now still makes me mad. Hats off to the Indy Metro Police and Fire for a job well (sarcasm here) done. GEEEEZ.
Anyways after that I had to go to Amanda's and help her with her math homework. I didn't get down there til almost 11 and then we got started. It was a test online and you could only miss 6 problems or it would kick you off and make you start all over again, with different problems of course. Anyways, after a few breaks and two tries, we finally got it done about 3am. So I dragged my tired ass home and went to bed. Hence last night's post.
So as I was going to bed last night I noticed some bumps on my arms. They kinda itched but I was so tired I didn't really think anything of it. Woke up today and they itched really bad and I noticed some on my hands as well. At work it was all I could do not to freak out and they started getting really red and gross. Ened up at the emergency care place after work because Amanda was afraid it was something contagious and I was pretty sure it was just some freak bug bites. Anyways, apparently I have allergic dermatitis which is a fancy way of saying my skin came in contact with something it didn't like and freaked out. Not sure what it was, but doesn't matter. So now I get to be on steroids for the next two weeks and walk around with a bottle of calamine. Yay.
Well since my skin hates me I had to miss the live airing of Atlantis but I did manage to make it to Amanda's by the time it aired again so I did still get to see it. Thank goodness cause after the last few days I needed something to go right! Manda bought me and her some dinner (she came with me to the doctor's) and then we crashed and watched the show. I had a thickburger, so yummy. And a Kit Kat, had to get a chocolate fix. Anyways, since I've been taking over her tv every Friday she's been watching Atlantis with me and I think I've got her hooked! She said we need to take a day off so she can see all the other 3 seasons that came before this one. How awesome would that be!!! That's the great thing about this show. Even though she's not really big on the sci fi part there's still plenty of action and drama and hott guys and guns and all that good stuff that she's totally into it. Buhwahaha, I'm totally sucking her into it with me.
So that was a good end to this week which after tomorrow night will finally be over. Hopefully my bedding is done now. Had to wash it because I was afraid whatever was making my skin angry got rubbed all over it and now I'm just waiting for the dyer to beep so I can make my bed and get to sleep. Love the feeling of climbing into bed with clean sheets. Delicious.
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1 comment:
DUDE!!! I get these random bumps and hive things whenever I get hot and/or nervous. I'm allergic to my own sweat, but the doctor said there isn't anything I can do for it! I want some steroids for mine!!!
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