Monday, October 29, 2007

The secret of the sandwich.

Nother Sunday. Church, choir, sleepy, Colts game, Cracker Barrel, nap, random Sunday night tv and then forum/blogging. All in all a good day.
Colts won! I was worried there for a while, they played so terrible in the first half but got it together with that last drive before halftime and then of course the 3rd quarter is all ours. Peyton had me worried for a while, mostly because he kept throwing into defenders and was lucky he didn't get intercepted. Plus I'd really love it if his QB rating was better than stupid old Tom Brady's but after the Pat's game today don't think that's gonna happen. Not that I care so much about that rating but announcers eat that stuff up. Never mind that New England's had a MUCH easier schedule than we have. Today they played Washington and beat them by like 40 some odd points. Now that's just showing off. You'd better save all that for when you come to Indy next week. So much hype for this game now that both teams'll be coming into it undefeated. The excitment has been building ever since we've known the schedule for this season but still, now it's here! Going downtown to watch the game somewhere with Amanda next week. Probably end up at Hard Rock. Good crowd there and it's not usually as packed as some of the sports bars and such.
No td for Dallas today, not much of anything really. He had a few defenders on him pretty much the whole time. It's ok though, love him anyways. And he flew back to do sports locker on channel 8 which is always a good time. So adorable. *big cheezy grin* And today's player of the game on that show was Gary Brackett! Good for him, he comes into work during the week and gets his turkey sandwich. Which of course we all know is the REAL secret of his success.
Dad brought me back some of the lunch they had. I decided not to wait because they didn't even get a table til after the game started. You know I gotta be die hard for my Colts when I pick them over a good meal. So that was really nice of them to bring me back some chicken, carrots and biscuits. Which was so weird because I think it was last night I got KFC and they were out of biscuits. I almost said never mind I'll go somewhere else but didn't want to be rude. When I pulled up to the window I was about to ask if I could have an extra one but before I could the drive thru lady asked if it was ok if she gave me extra chicken since they were out of biscuits. I do love my carbs, especially delicious flaky baked ones....mmmm. All this probably explains why my blood pressure was so high (something like 140/109) the other night at the emergency care place. Damn you sodium for making everything so tasty. Well now there's really no question as to why I look like I do, I've spent the majority of this post talking (and thinking) about biscuits.


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