Saturday, December 15, 2007

Booo on closing

Just got home. Saw Hitman with Amanda, excellent movie. Shot em up type thing so there wasn't really a story or anything but the action scenes were really great. Holy hottness too with the guns and the kickin ass. Good stuff.

Been a long week for some reason, I'm really tired of closing. There's a thing tomorrow night I'd really like to do but I didn't know about it til Tuesday so of course I'm already working. There was a concert Thursday night I wanted to go to but no. If I don't close I either don't work at all or I lose hours so either way it costs me. And I'm just really sick of this job, same mundane things for over two years. I guess any job is that way but how long can you make sandwhiches before it gets REALLY old.

Anyways, haven't done much on any forums in a while, mostly cause I'm either at work or at Amanda's or asleep. Tomorrow night might be better though, I should have time to kill after work plus I have Sunday so hopefully I'll get caught up with everything. It feels so weird going this long without being on them. Guess that's what makes me a nerd. :) Think I'll play some N64 and hopefully by then I'll be sleepy enough for bed.


1 comment:

Jennifer Oberth said...

You need more movies! Takes you out of the mundane, doesn't it?