Saturday, December 15, 2007

Booo on closing

Just got home. Saw Hitman with Amanda, excellent movie. Shot em up type thing so there wasn't really a story or anything but the action scenes were really great. Holy hottness too with the guns and the kickin ass. Good stuff.

Been a long week for some reason, I'm really tired of closing. There's a thing tomorrow night I'd really like to do but I didn't know about it til Tuesday so of course I'm already working. There was a concert Thursday night I wanted to go to but no. If I don't close I either don't work at all or I lose hours so either way it costs me. And I'm just really sick of this job, same mundane things for over two years. I guess any job is that way but how long can you make sandwhiches before it gets REALLY old.

Anyways, haven't done much on any forums in a while, mostly cause I'm either at work or at Amanda's or asleep. Tomorrow night might be better though, I should have time to kill after work plus I have Sunday so hopefully I'll get caught up with everything. It feels so weird going this long without being on them. Guess that's what makes me a nerd. :) Think I'll play some N64 and hopefully by then I'll be sleepy enough for bed.


Monday, December 10, 2007


So my birthday was pretty good. Had an excellent meal with the parents at Bravo, very good Italian. With me it's kinda hard to go wrong because as long as it resembles Italian or the American version of Italian I'll be happy. Hung out with Amanda a few nights. Jenga is a dangerous game by the way. There was blood! Yeah, killer stuff. The tequila mighta had something to do with that. Which I didn't have a lot but I don't think I'll drink it again because the next day I felt like CRAP. Anyways, probably the best part of my birthday was getting to go on the Colts order with Steve. Yep, that's right, the entire team was getting on the plane and I got to see them all! It was way cool. Not all of them stopped and got a sandwhich but a lot of them did. Dallas did not stop but smiled and said hello so I was on cloud nine just from that. Random side note - how freakin cute was he in those hats they were wearing during the game tonight? That's the one I'm getting too, it's so cute. Anyways, being five feet away from Peyton freaking Manning was pretty cool too. He had his head buried in what I'm pretty sure was a playbook so he did not say hi, but still, who cares? Even if you go to a game or something you're not going to get that close to the entire team and coaches. And Bill Pollian actually stopped and got food and talked to us for a few minutes and said happy birthday! On the way back Steve was like I hope you're not dissapointed, cause it was actually pretty boring. We were there for 2 hours and everyone basically came in like a half an hour slot of that. Anyways I was like no way that was awesome! I was in the same room as the Colts, and talked to some of them! Good times. Now that I've gone once I'm gonna see if I can go again, like when we go to New England in the playoffs. *fingers crossed*


Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I'm really excited, can you tell??


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I am so glad Monday is over. Spent the first half of it in the bathroom with some kinda stomach bug. That was fun. Then at work Amber finally snapped, cussed out our owner over the phone and that was that. Bye bye drama and headaches. Thank goodness. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it today feeling so crappy.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better with Sarah and the girls again. I had them tonight; they are very amusing. Emily wasn't even scheduled to work but after Amber left they brought her in to help me close. We weren't busy so it wasn't a big deal anyways.

Colts order Saturday and I am so there!! Woot! It might turn out to be a decent birthday after all. This week needs to hurry up. It's supposed to snow tomorrow night so that's exciting. Usually always get the first snow around my birthday. Hopefully it'll stick and I'll some playtime with the doggies.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Good episode for Atlantis and awesome pizza tonight with Amanda. That's as close to perfect as it gets!

Too bad have to work alllll day tomorrow. Boo for 10 hour shifts on a Saturday. Least I have Sunday to get caught up on everything.
