Saturday, December 15, 2007

Booo on closing

Just got home. Saw Hitman with Amanda, excellent movie. Shot em up type thing so there wasn't really a story or anything but the action scenes were really great. Holy hottness too with the guns and the kickin ass. Good stuff.

Been a long week for some reason, I'm really tired of closing. There's a thing tomorrow night I'd really like to do but I didn't know about it til Tuesday so of course I'm already working. There was a concert Thursday night I wanted to go to but no. If I don't close I either don't work at all or I lose hours so either way it costs me. And I'm just really sick of this job, same mundane things for over two years. I guess any job is that way but how long can you make sandwhiches before it gets REALLY old.

Anyways, haven't done much on any forums in a while, mostly cause I'm either at work or at Amanda's or asleep. Tomorrow night might be better though, I should have time to kill after work plus I have Sunday so hopefully I'll get caught up with everything. It feels so weird going this long without being on them. Guess that's what makes me a nerd. :) Think I'll play some N64 and hopefully by then I'll be sleepy enough for bed.


Monday, December 10, 2007


So my birthday was pretty good. Had an excellent meal with the parents at Bravo, very good Italian. With me it's kinda hard to go wrong because as long as it resembles Italian or the American version of Italian I'll be happy. Hung out with Amanda a few nights. Jenga is a dangerous game by the way. There was blood! Yeah, killer stuff. The tequila mighta had something to do with that. Which I didn't have a lot but I don't think I'll drink it again because the next day I felt like CRAP. Anyways, probably the best part of my birthday was getting to go on the Colts order with Steve. Yep, that's right, the entire team was getting on the plane and I got to see them all! It was way cool. Not all of them stopped and got a sandwhich but a lot of them did. Dallas did not stop but smiled and said hello so I was on cloud nine just from that. Random side note - how freakin cute was he in those hats they were wearing during the game tonight? That's the one I'm getting too, it's so cute. Anyways, being five feet away from Peyton freaking Manning was pretty cool too. He had his head buried in what I'm pretty sure was a playbook so he did not say hi, but still, who cares? Even if you go to a game or something you're not going to get that close to the entire team and coaches. And Bill Pollian actually stopped and got food and talked to us for a few minutes and said happy birthday! On the way back Steve was like I hope you're not dissapointed, cause it was actually pretty boring. We were there for 2 hours and everyone basically came in like a half an hour slot of that. Anyways I was like no way that was awesome! I was in the same room as the Colts, and talked to some of them! Good times. Now that I've gone once I'm gonna see if I can go again, like when we go to New England in the playoffs. *fingers crossed*


Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I'm really excited, can you tell??


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I am so glad Monday is over. Spent the first half of it in the bathroom with some kinda stomach bug. That was fun. Then at work Amber finally snapped, cussed out our owner over the phone and that was that. Bye bye drama and headaches. Thank goodness. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it today feeling so crappy.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better with Sarah and the girls again. I had them tonight; they are very amusing. Emily wasn't even scheduled to work but after Amber left they brought her in to help me close. We weren't busy so it wasn't a big deal anyways.

Colts order Saturday and I am so there!! Woot! It might turn out to be a decent birthday after all. This week needs to hurry up. It's supposed to snow tomorrow night so that's exciting. Usually always get the first snow around my birthday. Hopefully it'll stick and I'll some playtime with the doggies.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Good episode for Atlantis and awesome pizza tonight with Amanda. That's as close to perfect as it gets!

Too bad have to work alllll day tomorrow. Boo for 10 hour shifts on a Saturday. Least I have Sunday to get caught up on everything.


Friday, November 23, 2007

It's been a while

Well I know it's been awhile but hopefully I'll be better about posting now! I'm gonna keep this short since I've gotta work in the morning. Hope everyone had a good Turkey Day!


Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Uhhhhhh. yeah.

That's it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's Amazon for me

Haven't done much of anything today. Slept for most of it, managed to get some laundry done somehow. Short shift at work and it went by pretty fast. Chelsea might actually work out great and it'd be nice to have another person added to the group of us that hang out. Cause right now that group is me and Amanda.....yeah.
Anyways Haven't felt like doing much online tonight. Just been shopping for dvds. I'm kinda a freak about it really. I have a list on several sights and every week (when I can afford it) I get one or a few from my list. I keep track of which ones I want more than others and when I ordered them and when they get here. Hey, at least I can admit that I'm a little nuts. I'm mostly a girl. Thomas made fun of me like who buys a dvd on amazon? He's more Ebay but honestly I've never found the prices there to be any better than they are on amazon. He says the customer services is better, dunno if it is cause I've never had to use it except for now that this one dvd that apparently isn't coming. But that one was really my fault because for some reason I didn't look real close at the seller and his rating was either brand new or really bad. If you stick to sellers that have been around a while with a good approval rating and a ton of reviews, you really can't go wrong. Anyways they closed his account (probably cause he was ripping everyone off) so I'm trying to get my money back since apparently amazon has the money and not him. He sent me an email a while back saying they're the ones who messed it all up. I don't really know how true that is, actually I doubt that's true at all. Luckily they've got a money back guarantee so once enough time has passed I'll get it all fixed. I wouldn't buy stuff from anywhere online if there wasn't some kind of guarantee. Luckily now all the big sites have things like that so I feel much more comfortable buying stuff. I know people worry about identity theft from buying stuff online but I think it's a risk for everyone. If you have a credit card or a SSN or anything there's a chance that someone, somewhere, somehow will take it. I do worry about stuff like that happening to me but it's not going to stop me from using my debit card online or in a store. I'm more the live my life and deal with stuff if it happens kinda girl. I think about my decisions but in the end if I want to do something I'll do it and the benefits outweigh the risks in my mind. That's just how I deal with stuff, probably not the most effective way but oh well.
Haven't been to a single forum tonight, very odd for a loser/geek like myself. Mood just hasn't struck me. If I can't sleep later maybe I will but for the most part I think this will be as active as I get tonight in the virtual world. Thinking about using the rest of my online Netflix movie time to watch something. That works out really nicely most of the time. The parents have an account and I get to watch x hours of movies online every month. I also get stuff in the mail if I ever want it, but most of the time I'm happy with what I can find on their sight or by slightly less legal means. I've watched many a pirated movie/tv show I'm sad to say but sometimes it's just so much easier than trying to find it on Netflix. The selection of stuff you can watch online is really very limited so if I get in the mood for something and I don't own it I can usually find it somewhere. Hopefully admitting this won't get me arrested or something. :P
I really really really need a haircut. I took it down after work and it's all the same length. Which for some people might not be a problem but my hair is way too thin for this to look remotely good on me. I should have gotten off my lazy ass and done it today but I guess it hasn't quite gotten to the point where I'm actually motivated to do something about it. Don't really have time to do it the rest of this week. Maybe I can fit it in Wednesday after work. It's harder now without Jen being there anymore I'm gonna have to find someone new but for this time I think I'll just have to walk in and take my chances. Luckily the place I go to is nice enough that I wouldn't really worry too much about anyone in there cutting it for me. They're all really good and besides I'm not terribly picky about it. Especially now that it looks so bad any kind of cut is going to be a major improvement at this point.
Nite guys.


Monday, October 29, 2007

The secret of the sandwich.

Nother Sunday. Church, choir, sleepy, Colts game, Cracker Barrel, nap, random Sunday night tv and then forum/blogging. All in all a good day.
Colts won! I was worried there for a while, they played so terrible in the first half but got it together with that last drive before halftime and then of course the 3rd quarter is all ours. Peyton had me worried for a while, mostly because he kept throwing into defenders and was lucky he didn't get intercepted. Plus I'd really love it if his QB rating was better than stupid old Tom Brady's but after the Pat's game today don't think that's gonna happen. Not that I care so much about that rating but announcers eat that stuff up. Never mind that New England's had a MUCH easier schedule than we have. Today they played Washington and beat them by like 40 some odd points. Now that's just showing off. You'd better save all that for when you come to Indy next week. So much hype for this game now that both teams'll be coming into it undefeated. The excitment has been building ever since we've known the schedule for this season but still, now it's here! Going downtown to watch the game somewhere with Amanda next week. Probably end up at Hard Rock. Good crowd there and it's not usually as packed as some of the sports bars and such.
No td for Dallas today, not much of anything really. He had a few defenders on him pretty much the whole time. It's ok though, love him anyways. And he flew back to do sports locker on channel 8 which is always a good time. So adorable. *big cheezy grin* And today's player of the game on that show was Gary Brackett! Good for him, he comes into work during the week and gets his turkey sandwich. Which of course we all know is the REAL secret of his success.
Dad brought me back some of the lunch they had. I decided not to wait because they didn't even get a table til after the game started. You know I gotta be die hard for my Colts when I pick them over a good meal. So that was really nice of them to bring me back some chicken, carrots and biscuits. Which was so weird because I think it was last night I got KFC and they were out of biscuits. I almost said never mind I'll go somewhere else but didn't want to be rude. When I pulled up to the window I was about to ask if I could have an extra one but before I could the drive thru lady asked if it was ok if she gave me extra chicken since they were out of biscuits. I do love my carbs, especially delicious flaky baked ones....mmmm. All this probably explains why my blood pressure was so high (something like 140/109) the other night at the emergency care place. Damn you sodium for making everything so tasty. Well now there's really no question as to why I look like I do, I've spent the majority of this post talking (and thinking) about biscuits.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another one bites the dust

So another week done. Now I can check it off my list. It's so pathetic, they're all the same. All blending from one to the next in one gigantic swirling cloud of gray and blah, til they all just sink down together in the black hole that is my pathetic existance. Tonight was boring. And slow, so very very slow. I was so tired for no reason at all. Just kept dragging myself around work trying to find stuff to do to make the time pass. I wanted to be posted up here instead of there. After 6 days in a row it gets kinda old being there all day. Thank goodness for Sundays.
I was driving home last night on 465, just kinda on automatic, radio goin loud so I wouldn't drift too far off while behind the wheel. I like driving, sometimes I just get up and go. Take the really long way home, even take the loop around the city if the mood strikes. Driving always makes me feel better for some reason. Clears my head, and it's actually very relaxing. There's on stretch of interstate that's great at night. It's down by the airport, there's lots of lights and sometimes a plane taking off or landing. Makes me slow down, kinda emo really. I watch the streetlights pass over my dash one at a time. Light, then dark, then the light grows again and then wooosh. Gone. It's like those movies you see with people driving around for no reason at night and you see their face illuminated in that on again off again pattern. Anyways, that's kinda where I am right now. Everything slowed down and feeling kinda weird. But a good weird.
I think I'm ready for bed actually, which is so strange because it's way before my bedtime and I've only been up for maybe 12 hours. Curling up with my favorite sweatshirt and watching something til I drift off is sounding pretty good right now. Probably better that I get to bed early tonight anyways. I feel bad for missing church last week so I should really try and get there tomorrow. Nite guys.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hats off to the Indy police

So it's been a busy couple of days. I'll try to keep this short.
Yesterday was going fine, work was work, nothing out of the ordinary. Well sometime before 8pm an elderly gentleman in a wheel chair comes into work and so I have LeeAnn go out and take his order. She comes back after a while and says that he doesn't know what he wants and for that matter doesn't seem to know what's really going on. So I leave him alone for a while hoping he'll leave, then I come back up front to see if he's there and he's passed out in his chair. I wished that he was just sleeping and would wake back up on his own but about 10 more minutes go by and we try to wake him up. Can't get him to respond to us so I end up calling 911 and then the paramedics show up. He wakes up right as they are getting there so that was a relief. They look him over and end up telling me that he's fine. Oh did I mention when he woke up he started taking out bottle after bottle of perscriptions and rambling about getting some weed when he got home. Yeah, he was clearly not in his right mind. Anyways the cops show up as well and after about 10 minutes everyone's packed up and left. Yeah that's right, one of the cops made sure to tell me on the way home that I should try and get him a ride home since he lives a few miles away and it's too far for him to wheel there. Duh, like I'm gonna just send him on his way. That's the part that really pissed me off. The police and paramedics just totally dumped off this guy on me. For all I know he could have been crazy and gone all nuts on me (oh did I mention it was me and 3 other girls all younger than I am.) He could have had a weapon, there were a million things that were not right about that situation. I freaking pay taxes and the one time I actually need some help I get crap. They just took off like nothing was wrong and left me to deal with it all. Finally I get a number from the guy and about 40 minutes later his ride shows up. I got out of there a little after 10, the latest I've ever had to be there the whole 2+ years I've worked there. It was stupid, thinking about it now still makes me mad. Hats off to the Indy Metro Police and Fire for a job well (sarcasm here) done. GEEEEZ.
Anyways after that I had to go to Amanda's and help her with her math homework. I didn't get down there til almost 11 and then we got started. It was a test online and you could only miss 6 problems or it would kick you off and make you start all over again, with different problems of course. Anyways, after a few breaks and two tries, we finally got it done about 3am. So I dragged my tired ass home and went to bed. Hence last night's post.
So as I was going to bed last night I noticed some bumps on my arms. They kinda itched but I was so tired I didn't really think anything of it. Woke up today and they itched really bad and I noticed some on my hands as well. At work it was all I could do not to freak out and they started getting really red and gross. Ened up at the emergency care place after work because Amanda was afraid it was something contagious and I was pretty sure it was just some freak bug bites. Anyways, apparently I have allergic dermatitis which is a fancy way of saying my skin came in contact with something it didn't like and freaked out. Not sure what it was, but doesn't matter. So now I get to be on steroids for the next two weeks and walk around with a bottle of calamine. Yay.
Well since my skin hates me I had to miss the live airing of Atlantis but I did manage to make it to Amanda's by the time it aired again so I did still get to see it. Thank goodness cause after the last few days I needed something to go right! Manda bought me and her some dinner (she came with me to the doctor's) and then we crashed and watched the show. I had a thickburger, so yummy. And a Kit Kat, had to get a chocolate fix. Anyways, since I've been taking over her tv every Friday she's been watching Atlantis with me and I think I've got her hooked! She said we need to take a day off so she can see all the other 3 seasons that came before this one. How awesome would that be!!! That's the great thing about this show. Even though she's not really big on the sci fi part there's still plenty of action and drama and hott guys and guns and all that good stuff that she's totally into it. Buhwahaha, I'm totally sucking her into it with me.
So that was a good end to this week which after tomorrow night will finally be over. Hopefully my bedding is done now. Had to wash it because I was afraid whatever was making my skin angry got rubbed all over it and now I'm just waiting for the dyer to beep so I can make my bed and get to sleep. Love the feeling of climbing into bed with clean sheets. Delicious.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Not tonight

Well since I literally just walked in the door I'll try and actually post tomorrow or maybe just edit this one then...I dunno. It's almost 4 so I'm goin to bed.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Gateworld, you make my head hurt

Whew! What a long day. Long but good so that's something. Of course didn't fall asleep til much later than I should have last night, dragging my ass around at work all day. We got busy with these stupid wrap platters. (just fyi, they are a mess and a pain to make.) Anyways Patsy and I were trying to work on them and Juan just kept coming over and messing with them and saying that we were doing it all wrong. Which of course we weren't but he's a guy so anything we did today wasn't right. Finally got those done, Poor Patsy was about ready to throw Juan to the curb, he can be a jerk when he wants. Whatever, we got slammed and I'm running around just trying to do whatever I can. Go to grab a piece of foil and slice my thumb open pretty good on the cutting edge of the foil box. So while the line gets longer I'm in the back trying to get it to stop bleeding long enough to get something on it and wrap it up. Even as I'm typing it still kinda hurts. So weird, I've never really hurt myself at work before and of all the things there to cut myself on (knives, slicers, ect.) the foil's the thing that gets me.
Got home from work and was too tired to take a shower. Sat around, at my sandwhich and messed with my myspace page with looks much better now than it did before. I was in the process of adding some friends from the Dgeek forum and didnt' want them to think my page was terrible. Silly I know but still. Forumed a little then went to choir practice. Realized that it's very hard to practice with no rythm section, ie bass and drums. So that was....interesting. Waited around for Wendy to get done with her study upstairs and talked to Amy Elam. She's pregant again, talked to her about that for a while. Love the Elams, had Maddie in Cubbies for a while, Ryan was the athletic director for Bethesda when I was there. I still remember the one time I had in school suspension in his office and he talked to me the whole time I was in there. The principal even came in and told him not to be nice to me because I was being punished haha. Good times. Anyways, then Wendy came down and we went to Starbucks and while standing in line realized neither one of us had eaten dinner. So we grabbed some coffee and then some fast food and then headed over to her apartment. I'd never seen it before so that was really fun. Talked for a while, I felt really bad cause I haven't talked to her in such a long time and she's a great person. We have a lot in common and she's always been wonderful to me. Hopefully we'll start hanging out more it's just hard when I only see her for a few minutes every week.
Headed for home since she was getting up at 6 (ew I know) and I was feeling sleepy while waiting for that latte to kick in. I've been on this computer for far longer than I'd like to admit exploring the MASSIVE forum of Gateworld. Uh, my head is still reeling. I've posted on there like once before but today I really tired to get more invested and really liked it so far. There's a lot of fantastic discussion and it's nice to know that so many people think the same thing you do. Seriously some of that stuff was like straight from my head. Scary....but nice. Us nerds gotta stick together. I did a lot more reading than posting but I think that's probably the best way to approach it. Don't want to say something dumb or offend someone. Plus I have a bunch of new lingo to learn. Thankfully Dgeek and Sci Fi have helped me learn a lot of it but now I'm playing with the big guns. So many threads and words like thunk and whump and slash. Thank goodness for all those help threads and the newbie guide or I would have no clue what was going on. Glad I didn't try and start off with Gateworld, that would have been insanity. I had no idea stuff like this exsisted out there. Of course, there's a lot to be found on the internet but still. I think I'm getting a headache from talking about it.
Well I think I should end with this exciting news - Atlantis will have another season!!!! Woot! There was much celebrating on all the forums today, so let the party continue. It's such a relief to finally know what's going to happen and that I have tons more SGA to look forward too. I'll have plenty to talk about with all my friends who live in my computer for a long time. Nitey nite!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Silly high schoolers anyone?

I'm watching the Count of Monte Cristo. Just to the part where he finds the treasure. It finally came after almost two weeks. And Casino Royale is apparently never going to come and now I have to file with to get my money back. Course I have to wait til November to do that. So stupid. But amazon is a good way to get dvd's, cheaper than stores and even the prices on ebay are not as low as they are here. But then again you run the risk of stuff like this happening, so I might just go back to hunting through bargain bins to find the movies I want. I've become a big movie buff the past year or so. I have bought a lot of them lately and it is admittedly addictive. I get a few a month and hopefully my collection will be where I want it eventually. I am very materialistic by nature. Love to shop for clothes, shoes, accessories, movies, music. I am just realizing this is probably why I never have any money....
Work was better tonight. Sarah was there and Emily and Katerina who are always very entertaining, if nothing else. Kat hardly works at all and so I made her make most of the sandwiches tonight. Of course she complained but I didn't really care. Emily was doing what she was supposed to, even if it took her a while to get it done. Those two have the most hilarious conversations. I guess it's just me being several years older than them. High school has changed since I was in it and that was only like 5 years ago. The stuff they talk about and they're 16 years old! I didn't even know half those words when I was 16.
Been a day of sitting back watching and listening to everyone else. Chelsea talked to me all afternoon about life and love. Course the little girls carry on like they do and even Sarah was more talkative than ususal. Reading all my forums and such, lots of interesting things going on. Not really posting a whole lot tonight but still hanging out laughing at what other people are saying, and sometimes being thrown by how serious people take a tv show sometimes. Goodness.
Fabulous weather this week. Chilly and breezy, great sweatshirt/sweater type stuff. If I get up in time tomorrow I think I shall have to grab some Starbucks on my way to work. I will certainly the caffiene seeing as how I have to get up before noon. In light of that fact I should probably try and get some sleep now.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Colts move to 6-0

Well the rain that started right as I got to work just seemed to set the mood for the rest of my shift. It was alright for the first few hours, just a lot of nothing, got kinda busy, wished I was a home curled up in the recliner in my sweatshirt watching the pregame stuff on tv. As the evening drug on (we were never busy) situations for my co workers apparently drug on as well. Poor LeeAnn was being called over and over again by the college she went to but dropped out of who are not apparently trying to sue her for what she owes them. She was crying and yelling into her cell that she has no money but I don't think they were too compassionate seeing as how she's ignored all their attempts to get it from her thus far. And I guess that her live in fiance has moved back to Ohio and left her with all the bills for their apartment and such. I felt bad for her and probably should have just sent her home seeing as how all she did was cry for the remainder of the evening.
And then of course there's Amber. It just never ends with her, it really doesn't. One day it's "I'm never speaking to AJ again", the next she's yelling and swearing at him over the phone, the next she's crying because of the heartbreak. *rubbing temples* So tonight turned out to be talk to many people about how much of an asshole he is, then call him and hang up. Then when he calls back yell at him for being an asshole and say that you never want to talk to him again and hang up. That gets repeated a few times. Then later she's in tears about how he's ripped out her heart and she just wants to go home and cry on her mom's shoulder.
In the midst of all this, I am trying to get through the rest of my night and oh yeah, help customers. Since we're kinda at work and that's kinda the point of us being there. *sigh* Does no one know what professsionalism is anymore? It's like they have no filter, they just stand up there and complain to people they don't even know about their lives. Ok all they came in for was a sandwich not your life story. Good grief. I ended up going outside for a good 20 minutes and standing underneath the awning in front of the building. Just watched the rain come steadily down and tried to rally my spirits which by that point were very much mirroring the weather I was staring at.
Finally it was kickoff for my Colts and that lifted my mood in a snap. 20 minutes later after I wanted for the commercial, took off for home to watch the rest of the game. 29-7 was the final and my boys in blue are still undefeated! Not really that important but it was a big division game and now they've pretty much clenched home field advantage for the playoffs. They've beaten everyone in their division, which by the way is the top in the NFL, and they've defeated them on the road. They were kind of rusty tonight, a few missed here and there and Peyton was not really playing his A game. Which of course everyone will pick on because of stupid Tom Brady being "so spectacular" thus far. I'm so sick of hearing about the Pats, Tom Brady and all of it. It's like every announcer is enamored with them and just keeps gushing like a silly high school girl about her latest crush. Anyways, we all know that the Pats are pure evil (yeah their coach is a cheater and Tom's ex just had his child while he's with some model) and the Colts are the force of truth and justice in the galaxy. Anyways...oh right. The game. Later Dallas caught Peyton's only touchdown pass of the game. WOOT!! I was kinda disinterested by that point but that brought me right back! My #44 jersey works it's magic again. Since I got it last season Dallas has a TD in every game. Reggie Wayne had some spectacular grabs today as well. Tough schedule ahead but I'm totally confident in my team and excited about going to the game the weekend of my birthday! That's gonna be a rockin good time.
Well it's still raining outside and I think it's time to curl up in bed with a good chick flick and some brownie ice cream. Here's hoping tomorrow brightens up.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Let the blogging begin

It's my first post on blogspot! *bells, whistles, confetti, cheering*

Well tonight I think I'll ramble about my weekend. Thomas was home for fall break. That was fun and weird at the same time. I'm so used to him not being at home that it's odd when someone else is awake at the same time as me. But we always have fun hanging out, which is cool because he's my little brother and I'd be sad if we couldn't still be friends like we are. I had to work most of the nights he was here so Friday we just ended up renting some movies. Well, first he came to see me at work. He bought me some cd's because he had to go to a friends house on the night I took off just so I could hang out with him. I was pissed so he was trying to make it up to me. Anyways, we ended up renting two movies I'd never seen before and turned out to be great. The first was Blood Diamond. I have to seay I was not always a Leo DeCaprio fan but I've really loved the past few movies he's been in, The Departed and this one. It was very action-packed and political but not overly so. He can pull of the bad ass and his accent was really well done. I've never really thought he was attractive but in this one I was like "yeah Leo, you work that." Haha that sounded so good in my head and not so good after I typed it out.
The other film we rented was Transformers. I didn't see it when it came out and now I really wish that I had. Seeing it in a theater would have been great with the surround sound and the giant screen. It was a really great sci fi flick with a lot of comic relief. I just ate it up; totally me - being a sci fi chick's kinda film. The effects in this movie were also spectacular. I've really become a visual junkie lately, living for those crazy expensive shots that you know took so much time and effort and are totally worth it. Like the opening battle sequence in Revenge of the Sith. Atlantis has also been great in that respect this season, especially for a tv show. Sometimes I forget that it's tv and think I'm watching a movie. I've heard that with SG1 gone now that they've given it a bigger budget and it's definitely getting put to good use.
I totally cheated this week and watched the new episode on youtube instead of going to Amanda's like I normally do. Thomas was here and I didn't feel like going all the way out there just to watch a show and then come right back. I try not to do that cause I feel bad but I don't get Sci Fi and I'm not paying two bucks to download it on iTunes. That's just craziness, they should have the new shows up on their website like some other networks do.
Saturday I worked the day shift because that was the night I was gonna go out with Thomas. So instead I came home and showered, then me and mom went to check out the new Kohls in Brownsburg. It was very nice, much better than the one over here in Speedway. It was great Mom had her section and I had mine. I ended up getting a sweater, a totally cute dress and some much needed black shoes. My feet do not enjoy heels but these were totally cute wedges which are so great because I get the height without feeling like I'm wearing heels. Then we went to Olive Garden, waited like 4o minutes for a table and were about to leave when our buzzer went off. But it wasn't too bad when we got in there we got our food fast and it was great. I had chicken florintine with some tomato and basil - soooooo tasty. I still had garlic on my breath today. How sexy is that?
Today was pretty boring, slept through church and choir (oops) and went Red Lobster for Thomas' birthday. Then we got him a cake which he decided not to try and take back to Ohio. So now it's sitting in the kitchen calling my name and I'm going to have to have another piece when I'm done with this. Man, two Sundays in a row with no Colts game. Lucky for me I can watch other teams and still love the game. But Colts are playing tomorrow so I'll finally get my game. I'll have to be at work for the beginning but luckily the Monday night games start so late that I can catch most of it at home.
Well I think that's sufficient rambling for my first time. Got a piece of chocolate cake with my name on it.
